Village Ringers
Village Ringers
(2024-2025 Season)
Cathy Bullock
Tom Eggleston
Bonnie Fisher, Dir.
Lisa French
Judi Higbee
Donna Kagan
Dennis Kienitz
Deb Krase
Margaret Lacy
Carole Makus
Lana McKinzie
Amy Metzger
Becky Morgan
Amy Cornwall-Robinson
Cary Robinson
Kathy Wolf

has two sessions each performance year. One is the end of August through our Christmas Concert in early December. The second session begins in January and ends with a spring concert in early April. We break from rehearsals June-August.
Membership is comprised of 14-15 ringers who have successfully completed an informal audition, following the submission of an audition application. Auditions take place at the beginning of each session. Members pay a fee (currently $35.00) for each performance session. These fees are used for the purchase of music. Up to five non-Village residents may also participate.
Rehearsal is held at New Covenant United Methodist Church (3470 Woodridge Dr., The Villages, FL 32162) each Monday from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Additional information is available on the Member Contract and the Audition.